Quick and easy MyMap trick

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One of my favourite uses of Google Maps is a feature called My Maps, which allows users to create customised maps - for example, a map of my favourite London pubs. My Maps can contain many different kinds of information, from as simple placemark to a media-rich mashup of embedded images and videos. These maps also have specific URLs that can be shared with other users - so I can invite my friends to add their favourite pubs to my London pubs map too.

The other day, I was making a map to share with some other
Googlers and found that I needed to duplicate the MyMap I had already created. I needed to split some of the content into two separate maps. I asked around and no one seemed to know how to do it, though it seemed there ought to be an easy solution. After a few trials, I found a simple way to do it. It wasn't rocket science, but may be handy for you at some point especially given the simplest solutions are often the hardest to find! Here is the work-around I found:

  1. Open the My Map you want to copy
  2. Right click and copy the "View in Google Earth" link to create a KML file.
  3. Create a second My Map
  4. Then import the copied URL or upload the KML from your desktop using the "import" button above the map title.
I hope this can save some of you the trouble of re-creating My Maps! You can also learn more about the My Maps feature here.

Kenzo Fong Hing

Product Marketing Manager - Google Maps & Google Earth


KJ said...

cant find the import button, is it on mymaps or google earth or where? thanks

瓊富 said...


jhon apps said...

can you share some information that
if i place my information on the Google Place
so how can i know that "by which keyword i am on the Google map ??"

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